A friend who spent decades in the advertising business told me the most productive tool in any ad campaign is A-B testing. She advised her clients create two different messages, assign a separate phone number to each and see which one gets a better response.
Today, it’s easy to acquire multiple phone numbers and use them with different messages on many different platforms such as TV, radio, print media, the Web and social media. So how do you track responses from so many sources? A new service called Vontio says it has the solution.
Vontio serves dynamic phone numbers that can be used with different marketing campaigns along with software to track and analyze how each number is used by customers and sales prospects. Ad managers can see at a glance which ads and campaigns are most successful and which ones would be candidates for elimination.
Vontio also helps users compare different marketing channels. For example, running the same ad, with different phone numbers, on both Facebook and Google will reveal which platform generates a better response.
Vontio offers a free 21-day trial using 10 dynamic phone numbers. For more details about the offer and to learn more about call tracking, visit the Vontio website.
Today, it’s easy to acquire multiple phone numbers and use them with different messages on many different platforms such as TV, radio, print media, the Web and social media. So how do you track responses from so many sources? A new service called Vontio says it has the solution.
Vontio serves dynamic phone numbers that can be used with different marketing campaigns along with software to track and analyze how each number is used by customers and sales prospects. Ad managers can see at a glance which ads and campaigns are most successful and which ones would be candidates for elimination.
Vontio also helps users compare different marketing channels. For example, running the same ad, with different phone numbers, on both Facebook and Google will reveal which platform generates a better response.
Vontio offers a free 21-day trial using 10 dynamic phone numbers. For more details about the offer and to learn more about call tracking, visit the Vontio website.