Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Good watchbands, great price


If imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery, then the people who made these bands are clearly making goo-goo eyes at Apple. 

The bands in this five-pack look almost exactly like two of Apple newest styles. Three of them feature a G-hook and nylon loops, just like Apple's Alpine bands. 

Two others have what Apple calls a Trail Loop. It has a fabric pull-tab that lets you adjust the elastic band to grip exactly where you want it to be.

The differences are in the details. The stitching on the knock-off bands isn't as smooth and clean as the Apple bands. And, to my eye, the Apple bands have more attractive colors. 

But here's the biggest difference: Apple wants $99 for each of its bands while this five-pack of Aupcdbe watchbands sells for less than $20. I'm a pretty frugal guy, so the price makes it a no-brainer for me.

And I'm pretty happy with what I got. I'm wearing one of the pull-tab versions and it's been very comfortable. I found the loops on the Alpine bands to be a little stiff and I had to fumble a bit to get the hook into the loop. The Trail band was just less bother and a more solid fit.     


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