Sunday, August 9, 2015

Securely Send works with large file sizes


Does this conversation sound familiar?

Me: “Did you get that video file I sent?”

Friend: “No. It probably got blocked by our mail server.”

Me: “Rats!”

I’ve had some variation of that exchange multiple times, usually when someone is using a corporate mail server.

Securely Send has charter a detour around unfriendly mail servers. The service lets users upload and download large files up to 2GB. A user logs in, enters one of more destination emails and uploads one or several files. The recipients get a notice, from the sender's email address, telling them there’s a message or file waiting to be downloaded.

The service lets users send two messages a month for free with the size limited to 100 MB. Pay options offer larger file sizes, password protection and read receipt.

You can try it out and see all the options at the Securely Send website.


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