There are lots of consumer devices that say they will measure your blood pressure, but how do you know that the readings they get are the same as what a doctor would get? The answer is, you don’t.
Junfeng Zhao, the inventor of Accutension, says most automatic blood pressure monitors employ their own algorithms for measurement and as a result, a patient gets different readings, depending on the monitor they use.
Zhao’s invention is a smartphone a tool that provides blood pressure readings based directly on sounds rather than algorithms, which results in more accurate, consistent and reliable measurements.
Accutension can work with a traditional sphygmomanometer or an automatic BPM or as a standalone kit with its own cuff. The sounds from the tube of the stethoscope are fed into the phone through a microphone. The smartphone records the blood pressure sounds and the Accutension app visualizes and displays them.
Accutension is the subject of Indiegogo campaign where backers can order the Accutension Stetho for $19 (to verify the readings from their own device) or a full kit for $59.
Junfeng Zhao, the inventor of Accutension, says most automatic blood pressure monitors employ their own algorithms for measurement and as a result, a patient gets different readings, depending on the monitor they use.
Zhao’s invention is a smartphone a tool that provides blood pressure readings based directly on sounds rather than algorithms, which results in more accurate, consistent and reliable measurements.
Accutension can work with a traditional sphygmomanometer or an automatic BPM or as a standalone kit with its own cuff. The sounds from the tube of the stethoscope are fed into the phone through a microphone. The smartphone records the blood pressure sounds and the Accutension app visualizes and displays them.
Accutension is the subject of Indiegogo campaign where backers can order the Accutension Stetho for $19 (to verify the readings from their own device) or a full kit for $59.