When you have a car to sell or an apartment to rent, it just makes sense to advertise on multiple platforms - especially when the ads are free. If you post on Craigslist, you might want to also post on the Horizon Page.
Like that other free classified ad site, Horizon Page offers free posting under topics such as Pets, Boats, Furniture and Jobs. You can search using a Zip Code or click one of about 40 cities to focus the search.
Users who want to advertise can sign up fro free by providing just an email address and password.
In addition to the Horizon Page website, you can also follow the service @Horizonpage on Twitter.
Like that other free classified ad site, Horizon Page offers free posting under topics such as Pets, Boats, Furniture and Jobs. You can search using a Zip Code or click one of about 40 cities to focus the search.
Users who want to advertise can sign up fro free by providing just an email address and password.
In addition to the Horizon Page website, you can also follow the service @Horizonpage on Twitter.