One of the things we’ve all learned during this long lockdown is that it’s possible to work and be productive without going to an office. Video conferencing tools like Zoom or FaceTime have become part of our everyday digital toolkit.
But if you’re like me, you’re tired of seeing everyone in tiny squares on your laptop screen. Is that a smile or grimace on your boss’s face? We’ve had to adjust how we read body language and physical cues in our new online workplace.
Think about how much better video conferencing would be if you used a big-screen TV, like the one you use to watch movies and sports. Consultants like EIG PRO can make that happen.
EIG - Elusive Integrators Group - has expertise in building video conferencing rooms for businesses in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area. The photo here is one example. Now EIG PRO is doing more residential work because, you know, everyone has turned their homes into their business offices.
There’s an article on the company’s blog that discusses some of the many business benefits of video conferencing, such as reduced costs and improved productivity.
For a closer look at the range of work that EIG PRO offers, visit the company’s website. You can also contact or follow the company on Facebook and Instagram and @eig_pro on Twitter.