Monday, October 5, 2020

Eco village practices sustainability


We’ve all heard talk about creating communities built on the principles of environmental management, renewable energy and a reduced ecological footprint. But I’ve run across an organization called Eco Futures that plans to be put that eco-friendly philosophy to work.

The group's goal is to create "eco-village" on a track of land near Strathaven, Scotland. Like a similar village that is growing near Findhorn, Scotland, the new residents of the new community will share a common goal of becoming “socially, culturally, economically and ecologically sustainable.” 

The town will have the things you would look for in a modern agrarian village: bountiful gardens, orchards, organic food production and a bee-keeping operation.

But planners say it will also use a newer generation of renewable  technology to create a sustainable village for the future. 

Eco Futures says it intends to use intends to use SUDS ponds to collect rainwater, solar, wind and hydro power to generate electricity for its residents and underground heat sources to generate heat from the earth.

Small wastewater treatment plants will use “living machines,” tanks that contain bacteria, algae, micro-organisms, snails, fish and other living creatures to treat the water.

More information about Eco Futures and its Eco Village can be found on FacebookLinkedIn and MeetUp.


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