Individuals generally have scant success when they try to get negative online information removed. But professional services like SearchResults.Repair have built a thriving business making negative information either disappear or become much harder to find.
SearchResults.Repair focuses on the negative online information such as past criminal records, negative new articles and unfair reviews that can damage a business or prevent someone from getting hired.
The service was created by Wesley Upchurch, a web designer and Internet marketer who says he's "on a mission to make the web a more useful and more beautiful place." Here's how he describes his company's approach:
We seek to restore our clients online image through every available means. We believe that people’s past mistakes should not forever define their person.

When it runs into roadblocks, SearchResults.Repair can harness its publishing channels to pepper the Internet with articles that give a positive view of their clients. Those stories help rewrite a client's digital history while pushing negative items farther down in search results.
To get a closer look at SeachResults.Repair, visit the company's website, Facebook page, and Instagram portfolio and follow @searchresultsr on Twitter.