Sunday, February 3, 2019

App lets parents manage what kids see on YouTube


When my grandchildren got Amazon Fire tablets a few months ago, they quickly gravitated to YouTube and its vast library of videos. Among their favorites are videos that teach letters and numbers and sing-along cartoons, including endless variations of Baby Shark.

But YouTube has billions of other videos, including some that would probably not be welcomed by parents of young children. While YouTube tries to keep out nudity and overt sexuality, videos featuring violence, profanity and provocative dress are allowed.

So how can parents take charge of what children see on their devices? A mobile app called Safe Vision lets parents manage a child's access to YouTube videos and block those with questionable content.

With Safe Vision, kids can watch only YouTube videos and channels that have been approved by their parents and added to a safe list. The adults can select individual channels to appear on the list and choose channels from Safe Vision's collection of pre-approved channels. They can also lock and unlock individual videos.

Versions of the app are available for Fire tablets in the Amazon App Store, for iOS devices in the Apple App Store and for Androids in the Google Play Store.

The app is free but limits some functions. A upgrade version allows parents to create profiles for multiple children, unlock more than five channels and have more control over how many hours per day that their child is allowed to watch videos.


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