How do you get to know someone? Sharing messages and photos are fine, but it’s hard to beat the impact of video.
Video delivers a person’s image along with their voice, facial expressions and movements. It’s the best medium we have until holograms arrive.
And video is the foundation of Kazzanova, a social discovery network where members introduce themselves by posting a 60-second video with their profile.
Members can view the most popular videos and search the collection to find other members with shared interests. The can build a circle of friends and exchange private messages with other users.
A member’s profile includes their score, which is based on their level of participation in the network and responses from other members. Your score increases when you post, share and invite others to join and when others give your content a “WOW.”
Kazzanova is a available as a free download for iPhones in the iTunes App Store and for Androids in the Google Play Store.
Video delivers a person’s image along with their voice, facial expressions and movements. It’s the best medium we have until holograms arrive.
And video is the foundation of Kazzanova, a social discovery network where members introduce themselves by posting a 60-second video with their profile.
Members can view the most popular videos and search the collection to find other members with shared interests. The can build a circle of friends and exchange private messages with other users.
A member’s profile includes their score, which is based on their level of participation in the network and responses from other members. Your score increases when you post, share and invite others to join and when others give your content a “WOW.”
Kazzanova is a available as a free download for iPhones in the iTunes App Store and for Androids in the Google Play Store.