Monday, February 13, 2017

Malwarebytes suite fights computer invaders


A few years ago, a friend asked me to find out why her computer was acting oddly and functioning slowly. It turned out that her PC was infected with malware and adware and the only solution was to have her hard drive wiped and restored, a job that cost her almost $300.

A cyber security collection of protection programs developed by  Malwarebytes is one of the leading programs that can protect a personal computer against those types of expensive invasions and infections.  

Malwarebytes anti malware shields desktop and laptop computers - running either Windows or Apple’s Mac operating system - as well as mobile devices against a variety of dangerous malware threats.

The package offers multiple modes of scanning, including a custom function that lets users designate how and how often their computer is inspected. Real Time protection is available as a premium feature for users who want constant protection against spyware, adware, malware and other threats.

A free trail version of Malwarebytes is available to download for PC or Mac at the Anti Malware Suite website.


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