Monday, November 7, 2016

Apps help with weight-loss strategies


Some years ago, a friend signed up for the Weight Watchers program and was quite p[leased with her weight loss success.

What she didn’t care for was the busywork - making journal entries to log the foods she ate and their calorie count.

Today, Weight Watchers members can use the program’s mobile app to track their foods and activities and share their success stories.

The app contains a weight tracker, a tool for collecting recipes and a barcode scanner to enter information from packaged foods.

Many of the app reviews posted in the iTunes App Store reflected this sentiment from one of them:

Love using the app and won't go back to paper tracking.

Both Weight Watchers and the Nutrisystem program have proven to help people who are committed to lose weight and both have mobile apps to assist them.

The two plans take different approaches to the task. Weight Watchers helps users manage their calorie intake from food their cook or purchase. Nutrisystem determines a diet that will lead to weight loss a the meds you packaged meals with the proper portions.

You can find news and articles about weight loss products and strategies on the Lodlois blog which also offers a discount coupon for the Nutrisystem plan.


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