Monday, October 31, 2016

Chatra offers free live chat and messaging


I’m old enough to remember when businesses were open from 9 to 5 and if you wanted to buy something or get information, you were pretty much out of luck. Today even small businesses run 24/7 with websites that accept product orders and dispense information.

And if visitors have questions after hours, products like Chatra can connect them with a live person or, at the very least, accept a message that can be answered within a few hours.

Although Chatra is a free service (with a paid upgrade option), it has many of the features that large companies spend thousands of dollars to incorporate into their helpdesk systems. The free version of Chatra supports up to five agents with group chats, recorded transcripts, widget customization and control from a browser dashboard.

Managers and support staff can answer questions online, through the Chatra app for iOS or Android, or with email. The system gives agents a friendly face by presenting their name, title and photo and it captures visitor email addresses for upsell marketing or future engagement. It can also communicate in six languages, including French, German and Russian.

For large organizations, Chatra has an upgrade version that costs $11 per agent per month. It includes special features such as fine-tuning when and where a pop-up screen appears and iteration with with the Slack team messaging system.  
For more details, visit the Chatra website and check out the Compare page that shows how Chatra compares to its competitors.


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Follow me on Twitter @ricmanning and read my technology columns at My Well Being.


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