Friday, October 30, 2015

Mentally Charged app keeps your head in the game


After we lost a doubles set the other day, my tennis partner reminded me of something every successful athlete knows. “The game,” he said, “is in your head.”

Of course it is, but how can I keep my mind focused? The people at Mentally Charged have developed a complete program built around that seemingly simple but elusive goal.

Mentally Charged uses a mobile app to deliver rich-media content that has been curated by professional athletes and industry experts. The idea is to provide guided training sessions and content that will improve an athlete’s mental health.

Users can open the app to watch skill-specific videos, listen to informative audio clips, and read motivating articles. They receive instant notifications with tools, tips and strategies that can improve your mental toughness.

Mentally Charged explains the program this way: “Our goal is to increase your confidence, focus, and motivation, while decreasing your stress and anxiety. Whether it’s hockey, working out, or getting through a tough time, MC will support you – providing you with the techniques and strategies that you need to not only cope with obstacles, but to overcome adversity.”

You can view some of the content on the Mentally Charged website and download the free iOS app in the iTunes App Store.


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Follow me on Twitter @ricmanning and read my technology columns at My Well Being.


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