Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Android app helps drivers put down the phone


I will admit that I am tightly tethered to my mobile phone. When it chirps to announce the arrival of a new text message or email, I want to check it out, right now, even if I’m driving and need to keep my eyes on the road.

Like any addict, I could use intervention and a new Android app called Drive Easy may be just what the doctor ordered.

Drive Easy targets your heart to discourages phone use while your driving. Touch your phone and you’ll get a flashing photo of your family or other loved ones and a customized recording of someone dear to you telling you that the phone can wait.

Having Drive Easy on alert is almost like having a child in the back seat scolding you when you break the rules. And by combining a visual reminder with an audible message, the app[ increases the chanced that you’ll make the right decision.

The app is a free download in the Google Play Store and you can see some other ideas to reduce texting while driving at the Drive Easy website.


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Follow me on Twitter @ricmanning and read my technology columns at My Well Being.


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