When I worked in the downtown offices of a big city newspaper, my associates and I wasted way too much time debating where we would go for lunch. There was no shortage of restaurants within walking distance, but we always seemed to get hung up in debates about price, quality and cuisine.
We could have made good use of Eat-Now, an iPhone app that will direct you to a good nearby restaurant in just a few seconds.
Eat-Now knows about the restaurants that are close to your location and, over time, it learns your personal preferences. And it delivers its recommendations quickly, so there’s no need to comb through listings on Google or Yelp.
Eat-Now also adjusts for the time of day. Use it in the morning and you’ll likely be steered toward places that serve eggs or waffles. At 2 p.m. it's time for a caffeine infusion. Later, like me, it will be thinking about dinner.
You can learn more about the app at the Eat-Now website or download it for free in the iTunes App Store and follow @eatnow_app on Twitter.