Friday, July 10, 2015

New app may be event planner's best friend


Watching my wife spend a year planning our  daughter's wedding, I realize she could have used Welcome, an app for creating events and engaging attendees.

With a common platform and simple event creation process, the Welcome app allows users to focus on the event rather than the technical challenges that arise in the planning and executing tasks.

Welcome provides a common platform and simple event creation process for all sizes of events. It works if users want to incorporate networking, handouts and social media or if they simply want to manage the event with their phone. Either way, this app may be the tool that saves you time, and money.

For a business event, attendees can network with others through LinkedIn and never have to haul home conference handouts. They can also track the entire event #conversation across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.The event host can set up and manage an event from the phone, and create a conversation regardless of the attendee's preferred social media platform.

That sounds a lot more convenient that working with ring binder notebooks and multiple spreadsheets.

Welcome - Networking, file sharing and social media for events is available for free in the iTunes App Store.


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