Thursday, January 1, 2015

Pocket Extenders keep big phones tucked in


When my daughter slips her Galaxy 5 into a hip pocket, the phone looks like it's ready to jump out and tumble to the floor. Back pockets offer quick-draw convenience, but larger phones could use a little more protection.

Enter Pocket Extenders. Developed by a Brooklyn-based entrepreneur named Therese, Pocket Extenders are strips of fabric that button on just above a back pocket. The strip adds between 1 and 2.25 inches of protection, depending on the size of the phone and the pocket.

The extender comes with two buttons that you can sew into position. Attach the extenders and tuck the lower sleeve into the pocket. Now, even an iPhone 6 Plus can't escape - just be careful when you sit.

Pocket Extenders will be featured in a Kickstarter campaign later this month. Meanwhile, you can get more information at the Pocket Extender website.


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