Monday, December 29, 2014

BabyPhone Mobile monitors a sleeping child


There are lots of baby monitors on the market, but most of them require special hardware and have a limited range. BabyPhone Mobile creates a baby monitor using two devices that you probably already own: two mobile phones or a phone and a tablet.

The app create a continuous live link using the Internet to connect the two devices. The device in the baby's room uses its built-in camera and mic to transmit live video and audio. If the baby cries, you hear it instantly. It doesn't just call when it detects a crying sound.

Other features include end-to-end encryption with a custom password chosen by user. The service also monitors the battery level on the monitor device and it can support external devices to monitor temperature and humidity.

BabyPhone Mobile is free to download in the Google Play Store. There's no charge to use the app for up to 30 minutes but you will be prompted to buy a license for longer use. More information is also available on the BabyPhone Mobile website.


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