Check your outbox of instant messages and see how many are repeats. If you're like me, you've been sending the same message over and over:
On my way
Bringing dinner
Where R U?
And, of course, texting is really kind of impersonal. When you want to say "I love you" to someone special, wouldn't it be nice if they could hear your voice?
Oii is a new instant messaging app that tackles both of those issues. Instead of a text message, Oii sends a short voice recording. And, it lets you store and reuse recordings that you send frequently.
To see Oii at work, check out the video below. Downloads are available for free in the iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store. And Oii is working on versions for the Apple Watch, Google Wear, Auto Android and Auto iOS.
On my way
Bringing dinner
Where R U?

Oii is a new instant messaging app that tackles both of those issues. Instead of a text message, Oii sends a short voice recording. And, it lets you store and reuse recordings that you send frequently.
To see Oii at work, check out the video below. Downloads are available for free in the iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store. And Oii is working on versions for the Apple Watch, Google Wear, Auto Android and Auto iOS.