In a former life I supervised a crew of digital artists and coders who worked on a variety of projects. One of the challenges was keeping track of who worked on what for whom. Too bad Dashable wasn’t around back then because it sounds like a great solution.
Dashable is a multi-platform tool that keeps track of jobs, team members, hours worked, clients, and invoices. It works with project management tools such as Basecamp, GitHub, Trello and Pivotal Tracker. And it can be accessed from the web or from an iOS or Android app.
Dashable sends and email each day to team members asking then to verify what they worked on and fill in any blanks. And every morning, their manager gets a report that shows the progress on various projects and a work report that can easily be converted into an invoice.
To get more info, check out the Dashable website and pricing page and their Twitter feed.
Dashable is a multi-platform tool that keeps track of jobs, team members, hours worked, clients, and invoices. It works with project management tools such as Basecamp, GitHub, Trello and Pivotal Tracker. And it can be accessed from the web or from an iOS or Android app.
Dashable sends and email each day to team members asking then to verify what they worked on and fill in any blanks. And every morning, their manager gets a report that shows the progress on various projects and a work report that can easily be converted into an invoice.
To get more info, check out the Dashable website and pricing page and their Twitter feed.