Saturday, May 16, 2020

This smart scale knows all the numbers


Like many people, I thought our decades-old bathroom scale would do just fine to get me through a weight loss program. But I wasn't very good at recording what the scale told me. And, as behavioral science tells us, we all do better in any endeavor when we track our progress.

The Ugramo Fit Pro is a smart scale that's designed to help people reach any sort of fitness goal. Like many smart scales, it will record your weight and log it in a free app. Urgamo provides a free app for Apple or Android phones and it's also compatible with Google Fit, Apple Health and Fitbit.

But the Fit Pro goes well beyond simple weight tracking. It can also check your heart rate, calculate your body mass index, body fat, and other metrics. It has an 4.6-inch LCD display that shows eight different measurements. It has an "Athlete Mode" and a "Baby Mode" and it supports up to 10 different users. 

It even calculates body balance. That's something that athletes check, but balance can also be important for older persons, especially women with low bone mass. Knowing the numbers can help with a balance training program.

The Ugramo Fit Pro Smart Body Scale with Heart Care costs $89.95 and is available on the Urgramo website


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