Sunday, January 26, 2020

Upgrading multiple PCs? Check out Migration Manager


Several years ago when I worked for a large publishing company, my staff and I would be thrilled whenever the company upgraded our computers or installed a new versions of the Windows operating system.

But while we were celebrating, we knew the people in the IT department would be in a bad mood for weeks. They had the unpleasant job of moving all of our software and personal settings to the new machines or platforms.

That task has become much faster and easier these days with new software that eliminates much of the manual drudgery that our IT folks dreaded. A good example is Migration Manager for Windows created by Tranxition, a software developer that specializes in PC migration tools.

According to Tranxition, Migration Manager can reduce updating time by more than 60 percent, compared to other widely-used migration programs:

A 10GB persona is fully-migrated in 29 minutes instead of one hour and forty minutes.

Migration Manager also handles other chores during the migration process such as reorganizing user document storage, dealing with Outlook PST scenarios and upgrading Microsoft Office during the migration.

To test drive the software, visit the Tranxition website where the company offers a free download for a 30-day evaluation.


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Follow me on Twitter @ricmanning and read my technology columns at My Well Being.


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