When rappers, TV stars and even US Presidents are punctuating their performances by dropping their microphone, you know you’re going to see it in wedding toasts, company meetings and living room karaoke contests.
The mic drop is supposed to be the last word, the end of the show. But what if the mic kept on talking or singing? Wouldn’t that be a hoot?
That’s the idea behind the Drop The Mic Microphone from Technical Graffiti. This mic doesn’t amplify your voice, it records what it hears, then plays it back when it hits the floor.
The mic is the size the size and shape of a professional model. It has a sturdy black handle and a metallic mesh head. The sample I tried out seemed to be built to withstand many drops, though the company advises users not to drop from from heights above your arm or onto a hard surface.
The Premier Edition mic arrived with two AAA batteries already installed in the handle and a plastic pull tab that will activate the batteries once it's removed.
The mic starts recording when you push and hold a button on the handle. It will store up to 15 seconds of your birthday wishes, bad jokes or off-key singing. The recording stays in the mic and will play again with another drop or a simple tap on its head.
I've been using the mic to entertain my toddler grandchildren. I tell them Papa's inside the mic and lets them drop it to hear his voice. They like the game and they really like being allowed to drop something.
To see the mic in action, check the video below. There are more videos posted on the Drop The Mic Microphone website and more information @DropTheMicIO on Twitter. Reviews and answers to questions about the mic are posted on Amazon where the mic can be ordered for $19.95. A special holiday version is slated to be offered soon.
The mic drop is supposed to be the last word, the end of the show. But what if the mic kept on talking or singing? Wouldn’t that be a hoot?
That’s the idea behind the Drop The Mic Microphone from Technical Graffiti. This mic doesn’t amplify your voice, it records what it hears, then plays it back when it hits the floor.
The mic is the size the size and shape of a professional model. It has a sturdy black handle and a metallic mesh head. The sample I tried out seemed to be built to withstand many drops, though the company advises users not to drop from from heights above your arm or onto a hard surface.

The mic starts recording when you push and hold a button on the handle. It will store up to 15 seconds of your birthday wishes, bad jokes or off-key singing. The recording stays in the mic and will play again with another drop or a simple tap on its head.
I've been using the mic to entertain my toddler grandchildren. I tell them Papa's inside the mic and lets them drop it to hear his voice. They like the game and they really like being allowed to drop something.
To see the mic in action, check the video below. There are more videos posted on the Drop The Mic Microphone website and more information @DropTheMicIO on Twitter. Reviews and answers to questions about the mic are posted on Amazon where the mic can be ordered for $19.95. A special holiday version is slated to be offered soon.