Sunday, July 8, 2018

VAI offers a variety of video animation services


Back when GE was a multi-product powerhouse, it ran a series of TV ads that touted its expertise in multiple arenas. I still remember how it ended with a flashing circular images of GE products -- a light bulb, the door on a washing machine, the front of a jet engine -- resolving into the circular GE logo.

These days the company is facing tough times. It got out of the light bulb and appliance businesses and I no longer see that TV ad. But that animation built around the GE logo sure stuck with me.

Video Animation Inc. is a company that also recognizes the power of animation to tell a story and reinforce a brand image.

The company designs and produces a wide variety of animation-based products. Its menu of video animation services includes the whiteboard animation videos that are often used to explain a complicated process or concept. Video Animation Inc. uses a client's script and adds voice-over audio to bring a story to life.

Other projects include 2D "explainer" video, motion graphics, stylized typography and logo animation. The company said it has produced over 5,000 videos for more than 1,100 clients based in over 100 countries.

To see samples of the company's work, visit the Video Animation Inc. website.


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