Monday, July 2, 2018

Fonestore has deals on used mobiles


When the price of the better mobile phones began moving north of £500 I decided it was time to look for a affordable alternative.

I was able to find some great deals on used or refurbished phones and now we're all equipped with some of the latest technology.

When I was looking to buy a used iPhone, one of the sites I shopped was the UK-based Fonestore. I was impressed with the variety of phones that they offered. The lineup ranged from an iPhone 4S for £49.99 to a Jet Black iPhone 7 for £349.99.

For shoppers who especially want to buy an iPhone 7, the site has more than a dozen models on display, including gold, silver and rose gold. each item is listed with its network status (unlocked, Vodafone etc.) and a quality rating from acceptable to pristine.

Fonestore offers a 12-month warranty on all of the items it sells and a 14-day return policy. UK residents can get their phone delivered in one day.

For a closer look, visit the Fonestore website.


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Follow me on Twitter @ricmanning and read my technology columns at My Well Being.


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