Friday, December 8, 2017

Discounts available for Namecheap hosting services


As we roll toward the big Christmas holidays, my family is doing a lot of shopping online. And they're probably sick of hearing me repeat my online shopping mantra:

Before you buy, look for coupons.

They know about the coupons that come in the mail and in the newspaper, but they often forget that many websites provide coupons in the form of discount codes that can deliver some serious savings.

And not just savings on groceries or toys. One site I could offers discount codes for discounts on website hosting, domain registrations, and virtual private servers from Namecheap.

According to its website, Namecheap is an ICANN-accredited domain name registrar and web hosting company that manages about 7 million domains.

Namecheap coupons currently posted at the Saving With Coupons site offer a variety of discounts, from 10% off on domain registrations or transfers to 40% off on VPS hosting. Links on the site take visitors directly to the corresponding product pages at Namecheap where the discount codes can be redeemed.


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