When my children were young, one of our concerns was telephone time. We tried to monitor who they talked to and how long they were on the phone.
Today’s world of Internet-connected phones and tablets makes a parent’s job far more difficult. But technology can help.
An app called Switch Off allows users to control how long their children can use their phone or tablet and which apps they can use when the device is in their hands.
The app is designed to limit screen time for children and to make room for other activities, such as playing outdoors or doing their homework. And it can give parents the peace of mind that comes from knowing they won’t be wandering into the darker corners of the Internet.
The app works on Android phones and tablets. The adult in charge sets an access timer and determines which apps are on or off.
The app is available for .99 cents in the Google Play Store. To get a closer look at the app, check out the Switch Off website, which will display in 14 different languages, and watch the video below.
You can also follow @switchoff_app on Twitter and visit the company’s Facebook page.
Today’s world of Internet-connected phones and tablets makes a parent’s job far more difficult. But technology can help.
An app called Switch Off allows users to control how long their children can use their phone or tablet and which apps they can use when the device is in their hands.
The app is designed to limit screen time for children and to make room for other activities, such as playing outdoors or doing their homework. And it can give parents the peace of mind that comes from knowing they won’t be wandering into the darker corners of the Internet.
The app works on Android phones and tablets. The adult in charge sets an access timer and determines which apps are on or off.
The app is available for .99 cents in the Google Play Store. To get a closer look at the app, check out the Switch Off website, which will display in 14 different languages, and watch the video below.
You can also follow @switchoff_app on Twitter and visit the company’s Facebook page.