Monday, September 12, 2016

UK's Amazing Support offers a variety of IT services


At the newspaper publishing company where I once worked, we were always advertising to hire IT professionals. Staff turnover in the IT department was high and the people who left took with them their knowledge of our specialized software and production systems. New hires faced a steep learning curve that got steeper as we moved deeper into the digital world.

That’s not a unique situation and I think it’s why more companies are exploring the advantages of using a managed IT support service like Amazing Support. The service offers general IT support, cloud solutions, business continuity assistance and IT consulting  in the in London and Hertfordshire areas in the UK. It also works with international companies that want to get established in the UK.

Amazing Support offers a wide range of services targeted at both large and small companies. It can do an in-depth audit of a firm’s software and connected services as part of an asset management and create a disaster recovery program.

Other services include managed and monitored backups, network audits and email redundancy. And it will help a client explore cloud-based solutions and how they might help a company grow.

For more details about Amazing Support, check out the company’s website which includes a set of case studies for involving different clients and the services that were provided.


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Follow me on Twitter @ricmanning and read my technology columns at My Well Being.


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