Monday, September 26, 2016

Free app helps users practice Christian meditation


While many people think meditation is just a way to chill out after a stressful day, medical studies indicate it can also have positive physical effects. An article posted at WebMD notes that meditation can help lower blood pressure and improve the body’s immune system. Other studies report improved cognitive skills and enhanced memory can come with regular meditation.

The spiritual component of meditation is often associated with eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism but it can also be incorporated into a Christian lifestyle. An example is the meditation app developed by ChristAudio.

The goal of the app is to make meditation techniques more easily accessible. A statement on the ChristAudio website puts it this way:

Technology is helping us fulfill our mission of creating a more loving and peaceful world one mobile device at a time. 

The free app includes a seven-day training course with instructions and animations plus a series of mini meditations to relieve stress and boost creativity. The app also has a radio stream of Christian music radio and upbeat music for exercising that includes subliminal biblical Christian affirmations.

You can get more details about Christian meditation at the ChristAudio website and get the free app for iOS or Android devices at their download page.


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