Sunday, November 15, 2015

Yuppi puts everyone in the moment


At family events or similar activities, it’s understood that everybody will be Facebooking. They’ll be taking selfies, posting photos and videos, clicking the Like button and adding comments. It’s fun but rather disorganized because it’s easy to miss someone’s post or feel left out of the conversation.

Yuppi is an alternative that includes everyone who should be involved. It sets up a platform that can be shared by friends, family members, colleagues or any other designated group. Yuppie is designed to erect a tent around a party, a conference or a trip.

Yuppi eliminates the need for all those follow-up requests to forward or share photos or other interrogations that may have slipped by. It works in real time to capture, records and allow responses to real-time moments.

Users can shake their phones to begin sharing a moment and they can follow other group members and pick up followers. It can also include members who aren’t physically part of the event.

Yuppi is a free app for iOS devices that is available in the iTunes App Store.


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Follow me on Twitter @ricmanning and read my technology columns at My Well Being.


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