Sunday, November 29, 2015

Hupclub plans to stream live electronic music


Doctor Jekyll, a Barcelona-based design and marketing firm, has an idea for a new music streaming service that will deliver electronic music packaged and delivered by big-name DJs.

Think of Hupclub as the Spotify of live electronic music. The site will allow subscribers to access thousands of live DJ sessions from around the world.

Why electronica? Jekyll cites research that says it’s the only style of music that showed growth last year (about 8%), compared to falling numbers for styles such as pop or rock. And it appeals to a lucrative market of  young males between ages 18 and 24 who have some college education.

Plans for the Hupclub service will include sessions that start with a visual interplay of colors, lights, and smoke, just like a live dance club environment. Subscribers will also have access to premium options such as special events and information for hiring DJs.

Jekyll is currently seeing investors to get Hupclub off the ground. More details are available at the Hupclub section of the Doctor Jekyll website.


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