Sunday, August 16, 2015

Xplor links parents with schools and educators


Check the refrigerator door at the home of any school-age children and you’re likely to find it decorated with drawings, projects and reports from their teachers. But today’s busy parents often want want more details and information about their kids’ day in class.

Xplor is a new communication platform that fits into the digital age better than any refrigerator door. The service collects and organizes photos, videos, reports and other material in a way that lets busy parents stay connected and informed on their child’s learning progress.

Educators can use the Xplor platform to keep track of class rosters and individual information on each student. And parents can use the tool to let teachers know about their child’s likes and dislikes, any special needs and medication.

Xplor keeps data in the cloud, so the platform can be used using a web browser or with apps that run on iOS or Android tablets or smart phones. For more information, check out the video below and visit the Xplor website. The apps are available in the iTunes App Store and Google Play Store and you can get more news @myxplor on Twitter.


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Follow me on Twitter @ricmanning and read my technology columns at My Well Being.


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