Tuesday, August 18, 2015

RimTech will protect your car wheels and rims


The few times that my car was broken into, the thieves went for the stereo system. These days, they’re more likely to target the wheels, especially if you have custom rims or the nicer stock models.

RimTech is a new theft-deterrent and tracking system for tires and rims that will alert the owner when wheels are swiped and track the stolen items.

Developed by former heads of the Mobility and Global Positioning Technology for Nokia, RimTech uses motion sensors to detect an attempted theft and an alert system that sends a notification to the owner’s smart phone and to  the phones of selected friends.

The system also sends vehicle and location information to police agencies and tracks the movement of stolen wheels. A built-in camera inside the wheel snaps a photo when it detects light, which could help identify the thieves.

The RimTech system is slated to have a retail price of $329 when it hits the market. Backers who contribute $249 or more RimTech’s Kickstarter campaign will be in line to get one of the first systems with delivery expected in November.


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