Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Teeny Office adds new features


Teeny Office, the integrated software suite for travel professionals, has added new features. Users can now use the software to produce quick price quotes for customers.

Users can also use Teeny Office to create itineraries in HTML. The code blocks can be shared with a church group of other organization to post on the group's website.

Teeny Office was created by travel professionals who were tired of having to find and learn different software for accounting, invoicing, email marketing and client management. Teeny Office brings those functions together in one cloud-based platform.

Some of the primary functions offered by Teeny Office include client travel and email history, passport reminders, invoicing in different currencies, and multiple vendor invoicing with commission tracking.

Teeny office costs $340 a year with a $100 fee to upload an existing database. There’s more details at the Teeny Office website and get Teenytips and more @TeenyOffice on Twitter.


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