Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Mash Platform links broadcasts with related content


On winter nights when my wife insists I join for another episode of American Idol, I tend to get less interested in the music than in the backstory for the contestants. I want to know where that guy came from, how old is that girl and why is her hair purple?

I know that information is out there somewhere on the Web along with background on all those guys courting The Bachelorette and the “extras” they promote on 60 Minutes. We just need a way to link the data to what we’re watching.

That’s what the Mash Platform is all about. It’s a software development kit of APIs and programming libraries built around a technology that can recognize TV or radio audio and send extra content to users.

Developers can create customized apps that contain ACR (Automatic Content Recognition) technology. The app will take about 2 seconds to detect the channel that the viewers are watching (or listenining to) and start pushing related digital content such as a social platform or a shopping service.
More details are available at the Bridge Mediatech website or visit the Mash Platform website and sign up for a free account.


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