Count HiPStore among the growing number of websites that are offering free app downloads for Apple’s iPhone and iPad.
Why would an iOS user want to download from a source other than iTunes? One reason is to get a free test drive of an app to decide if you want to buy it.
Hipster deals in .IPA files, which can be installed on a device that has undergone jailbreaking, a process that removes the hardware restrictions Apple's operating system, allowing allowing the download of applications, extensions, and themes that might be unavailable through the official Apple App Store.
At this landing page for HiPStore iOS 8, you’ll find on how to download HiPStore and what other programs are needed to make it work.
The Gizmo Editor does not endorse jailbreaking or the use of pirated or piracy-related apps.
Why would an iOS user want to download from a source other than iTunes? One reason is to get a free test drive of an app to decide if you want to buy it.
Hipster deals in .IPA files, which can be installed on a device that has undergone jailbreaking, a process that removes the hardware restrictions Apple's operating system, allowing allowing the download of applications, extensions, and themes that might be unavailable through the official Apple App Store.
At this landing page for HiPStore iOS 8, you’ll find on how to download HiPStore and what other programs are needed to make it work.
The Gizmo Editor does not endorse jailbreaking or the use of pirated or piracy-related apps.