Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Epic Super Cars covers luxury on wheels


My neighbor doesn’t own a Corvette or a Ferrari, but boy he would love to. His Facebook page is populated with photos of the latest high-end sports cars and concept vehicles.

That’s why I’m going to tell him about Epic Super Cars, a website dedicated to the cars that you and I will only experience vicariously.

Well me, anyway. Maybe you’re on the waiting list for the Lamborghini Aventador SuperVeloce Roadster LP750-4 that's currently featured on the site's front page.

The site posts news and photos from the world of automotive luxury. It covers auto shows, car reviews, test drives and car tech. The video section has clips of an Italian hybrid supercar concept and a driver crashing his Porsche 918 Spyder.

But to see my favorite photo, look for the interior of a Maseraiti that was ruined by a spilled can of white paint.

To get your motor revved up, check out the Epic Super Cars website and follow @SuperCarsFans on Twitter.


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