Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Can't agree on a restaurant? This app will settle it


Choosing a place to eat is an awesome responsibility, so why not turn it over to an algorithm? Let’s Settle It is a new Android app that will steer you to a restaurant based on your criteria.

It will search its database of dining spots within a radius that you proscribe and it will search by cuisine if you want. The restaurant is selected randomly from the possibilities and you are directed there via Google maps navigation.

And this part is especially cool: The app withholds the name, so you get a surprise when you arrive. If you don’t like the food or the service, you can give the spot a Thumbs Down rating and it will be eliminated as a future selection.

Let’s Settle It is available free in the Google Play Store with more details on the Let's Settle It website and @LetsSettleIt on Twitter.


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