Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Australia's OgleBox plans to simplify video streaming


It’s pretty easy to get TV access to services like Netflix and YouTube, even in Australia where those and other popular streaming channels are available on smart TVs and plug-in devices like Apple TV and Google’s Chromecast.

But there are dozens of other streaming sources with names like Stan, Presto, 7+, Fetch and 9Jumpin that are typically available only through computer browsers.

A couple of Australian entrepreneurs hope to change that with the release of OgleBox, an Android-powered TV set-top box that is focused on the Australian market. The developers tell me that their box can deliver all Australian TV content, including SBS OnDemand, ABC iView, and other popular streamers.

OgleBox has not been released to the public. In fact, the developers haven’t released a photo of the device or announced pricing. They say it will be out “in the next couple of months.” Meanwhile, potential customers can check in at the OgleBox website for news and, soon, to put in a pre-release order.   


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