My first effort at email marketing involved loading sets of addresses into Outlook and firing off an HTML block to groups through the company mail server.
What a disaster. Some recipients couldn’t display the code, so they saw a hash of text and numbers. Others got broken links and images. And way too many emails bounced back.
What a disaster. Some recipients couldn’t display the code, so they saw a hash of text and numbers. Others got broken links and images. And way too many emails bounced back.
That was enough to teach me to trust email blasts to a professional service like Freshmail. The service has ready-made templates for newsletters and other messages. You drag and drop components to get a good-looking message, then use their Inbox Inspector to see how the message will look in 24 different email clients before you send a test or live campaign.
Other Freshmail tools include a free spam test to be sure your message won’t trip the spam detector, a timing option to send when click-rates are highest and targeting options. Freshman also offers automatic testing for different subject lines, which any direct marketing expert will tell you is essential. And you get plenty of tracking and performance data.
You can use Freshmail for free if you send fewer than 2,000 emails per month to no more than 500 subscribers. Sounds perfect for a small group newsletter. Paid plans start at $7 a month.
Get the full Freshmail story at the Freshmail website and follow @freshmail_app on Twitter.
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