Thursday, April 30, 2015

App helps you make a first connection


How do you handle a casual meeting with someone you might want to get to know a little better?

Handing them a business card might seem a bit formal and pushy. Exchanging email addresses can be awkward. And maybe you don't want to take that step so soon.

But if you both had a new mobile app called Nice To Meet You! making that first connection could be easy and painless.

The app allows users to connect with people, face to face, without the need to exchange personal contact information. Once you’re connected through the app, you will see the other person’s first name, picture, plus the date and location where you met.

With that communication channel now open, you can start an instant messaging conversation and decide later if you want a more formal connection - swapping email or Facebook links, for example - or just leave things where they are.

See how Nice To Meet You! works in the video below then check out the apps in the iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store and follow the conversation @nice2meetyouapp on Twitter.


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Follow me on Twitter @ricmanning and read my technology columns at My Well Being.


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