Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bidable delivers self-service online advertising


Here's a scenario that may sound familiar. You visit a website shopping for a product or maybe just to gather information. You exit that site and move to another. As the new page loads, you notice that the banner ads are pitching the product or service that you were looking for just a few seconds ago.

How did this new website, perhaps one you had never visited before, know what you's looking for?

Welcome to the brave new world of RTB. That's short for Real Time Bidding, a technology that lets advertisers bid on and acquire ad positions that will reach a targeted audience (in this case, you) in less time than it takes you to click your mouse button.

RTB is an online advertising technology that's typically associated with big-budget advertisers and their high-powered ad agencies. But now a service called Bidable is making it available to small- to mid-sized companies and agencies.

Bidable's packages are built around an easy-to-use dashboard that manages all of a client's campaigns. The service has access to an inventory of over 40 billion impressions spread across mobile, desktop and tablet platforms.

Bidable doesn't require a long term commitment or a minimum amount of ad spending. And it offers a free trial account to get familiar with the system before you develop a campaign. The full story at the Bidable website.


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