Sunday, September 28, 2014

Create an avatar for free


As if I don't look pretty goofy already, along comes a website that offers to create an avater of my face for free. Create My Avatar walks you through a simple process of selection your skin color, chin type, hair color and so on. No artistic skill required.

If you enter your email address, your freshly-minted image arrives in your inbox. The 230-by-200-pixel jpeg is just the right size to use on Facebook, Twitter or other other places where you might want to display something a little different from the usual selfie photo.

You can build your own face or make ones for friends to show them what they really look like to the rest of the world. Just enter their address and name, if you want. Face-building can also be creative entertainment for kids.

Click to the website to check out the avatar generator of drop in on their Facebook page.


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Follow me on Twitter @ricmanning and read my technology columns at My Well Being.


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